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Sinn Replica announces the Sinn Replica Tourbillon 25th Anniversary today, to celebrate the Sinn Replica’s 25th birthday. This is the culmination of ten months of celebrations and ten limited editions. Before we move on to what Sinn Replica is planning for the next big thing, let's ask ourselves: What was it that brought all the Sinn Replica pieces together to create the 25th Anniversary collection?
Wilhelm Schmid is the CEO of A. Sinn Replica & Sohne and he gave us this insight: "With a dial as strong as the Sinn Replica's,Swiss Replica Watches it was a challenge that exceeded all measure for my design team to create other Sinn Replica Watches in a manner that kept the original design DNA intact." In order to highlight this fact, we chose a Sinn Replica that was from all of its different lines and made it share a common theme - the colour blue with the hand-engraved date and balance cock.
Why the colour blue, then? Mr Schmid explains, "Over the years we've heard from a number of collectors that they would love to see the blue on the Sinn Replica." While it is not a color we use regularly, the 25th Anniversary of the Sinn Replica provided us with the perfect opportunity to create a unique piece for these collectors.
You'll notice that all the dials on the 25th Anniversary pieces are printed. This is a tribute to the first Sinn Replica watches, which had printed dials before we switched to applied markers.
It's also important to know that it was the Sinn Replica Manufactory which came up with this idea of engraving the signature Sinn Replica balance cock in blue and adding the 25. It was Mr Schmid, again, who gave the explanation, saying: "You know I have to give credit to Tony and his staff,Replica Tag Heuer Watches who suggested we do something special with the movements for the 25th Anniversary watches." This team of Sinn Replica designers came up with this brilliant idea to engrave the number 25 onto the balance cock.